Today, author and photographer Michael Patrick O'Neill visited the girls' school. O'Neill is a professional award-winning wildlife photographer, author and conservationist specializing in marine wildlife and environmental issues. He has written seven non-fiction marine life books including Let's Explore Sharks, and Let's Explore Coral Reefs, designed to encourage school children to read, write and get involved in science and conservation.
We decided such an exciting day deserved a fun themed lunch! My birthday was over the weekend and I got some new fun food markers. My youngest was excited to help so she made her own lunch and I made my other daughter's lunch.
Here is what we came up with:
Starfish sandwich, decorated with food safe markers and icing eyes
Hard boiled egg, decorated with food safe markers
Sugar snap peas and cherry tomatoes with ranch
Blackberries, decorated with a fish pick
She asked me to specify that this was the lunch she made (wink, wink):
Starfish and fishy sandwiches, decorated with food safe markers
Broccoli, with a turtle pick, and ranch
Blackberries with a starfish pick
A little trick-or-treat candy
Here are some of the products we used when making these lunches: