Making Lunch Fun, One Box at a Time

ben·tol·o·gy (ben t äləjē) Noun : The study of making nutritious and fun lunches for my daughters.

I get a lot of inspiration from other blogs. So, in hopes someone might get some inspiration from me, I've decided to post some pictures here.

This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.Proverbs 3:7-9

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Lorax Lunch

You know you might be obsessed with bento lunches when you see a movie trailer and think, "He'd be awesome out of cheddar and provolone!!"

  • Circle sandwich with the Lorax made from cheddar and provolone, with icing eyes and a sprinkle nose.

  • Broccoli "trees"s with ranch

  • Strawberry slices and red grapes

  • Hershey's Nugget

Bento Lunch


  1. Can I ask how you get the little things, like the nose and eyes, to stay put?

  2. I stick everything together with a small dab of cream cheese (peanut butter works well too). Another tip is to lay a small piece of wax paper over the decoration before closing the box. Hope that helps!

  3. So cute I was gonna make him too this morning! I opted for the truffula trees, Cheese is perfect,funny how we can think in "FOOD". LOL

  4. This is a very cute Lorax. I know, sometimes something happens (like just say for instance your five year old asking "Mummy, what theme is my lunch today?") and you kind of step back and think "hmm, I'm not sure this happens to everyone..."

  5. Where do you get your containers for the ranch?

  6. I purchased the sauce containers at

  7. I posted you picture on our facebook page!/tinywigglesdotcom

  8. Love ti Caren. Very well done, and Lorax is soooooo darn cute!
