Making Lunch Fun, One Box at a Time

ben·tol·o·gy (ben t äləjē) Noun : The study of making nutritious and fun lunches for my daughters.

I get a lot of inspiration from other blogs. So, in hopes someone might get some inspiration from me, I've decided to post some pictures here.

This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.Proverbs 3:7-9

Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter Eggs

  • 4 egg-shaped sandwiches (stacked in 2s) with bunny picks

  • Apple slices with an apple cut-out

  • Broccoli

  • Dove Chocolate egg


  1. This is super cute! I love the apple egg :)

  2. Love your ideas! I have been looking for this lock and lock container with the 4 cups but can not find they anywhere. I was wondering where you got your container. Thanks!

  3. Jill, thank you! I purchased the Lock N Lock boxes at Unfortunately, I just checked and they appear to be out of stock :(

    1. Caren, Thanks you for website and checking. Amazon also is out of stock :(
