Making Lunch Fun, One Box at a Time

ben·tol·o·gy (ben t äləjē) Noun : The study of making nutritious and fun lunches for my daughters.

I get a lot of inspiration from other blogs. So, in hopes someone might get some inspiration from me, I've decided to post some pictures here.

This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.Proverbs 3:7-9

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Boo-tiful Ghost Lunch

The other day, while perusing Pinterest, I saw this post suggesting using a tulip cookie cutter as a ghost.  Brilliant!!!!   I am totally going to use this down the line for a Pac-Man lunch but for today, I stuck with a Halloween theme.

  • Sandwich pocket, decorated with 2 little ghosts cut from a tortilla using the mini tulip cutter and decorated with a food safe marker
  • Cucumber and tomato slices, decorated with a "Boo" cupcake pick
  • Red grapes with a ghost cupcake pick
  • Mini candy bar
  • Lunchbox Love Note from the Halloween series
Here are some of the items, or similar items, I used when creating this lunch:

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This lunch was super easy and quick to make.   For other lunches that were made in 15 minutes or less, check out:


  1. Eeeee those little ghosts are so cute. I love the pocket sandwich!

  2. This is an adorable lunch! I used a tiny tulip cutter for my ghosts in my Pacman lunch! I don't have a large one, but maybe I need to get one! Thank you for linking to 15 Minute Fridays!

  3. Really cute lunch! I can definitely see the tulip cutter being used for Pac Man.

  4. So clever to use a tulip cutter for ghosts! Cute lunch!

  5. Ooh, very clever to use the tulip cutter! :)
