Making Lunch Fun, One Box at a Time

ben·tol·o·gy (ben t äləjē) Noun : The study of making nutritious and fun lunches for my daughters.

I get a lot of inspiration from other blogs. So, in hopes someone might get some inspiration from me, I've decided to post some pictures here.

This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.Proverbs 3:7-9

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bon Voyage!!

I'm back!!! We just got home from a week in the sunshine! We went on a Disney Cruise and it was W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L!!!

The week before we left, I made a couple of cruise themed lunches.

  • Sandwich made with the Pamper Chef sandwich cutter with a provolone life preserver ring. I decorated the ring using food coloring and a paint brush
  • Pretzel snaps
  • Clementine with a blackberry center
  • Cucumber and tomato slices
  • Peanut Butter Snickers

  • 2 palm tree-shaped sandwiches (stacked) decorated with a food safe green marker
  • Peas
  • Blackberries
  • Cheddar "sunshines"
  • Buckeye (or if you are boring a "peanut butter ball")


  1. Super cute vacation lunches! A Disney cruise sounds like so much fun!

  2. Wow, that's hurtful!! Just because we don't know the real name for it doesn't mean we are boring!! GEEEEEZZZZ!!!! Pfffllltttt!!!!!!!!

    Love the life saver!

    1. LOL -- I was wondering if you'd catch that ;) Love ya!!
